Leanne O'Sullivan, Wife, Mother, Business Owner, Digital Strategist, Blogger, Psychology student
My story about why I started this business has a good ending, but like a lot of online stories it doesn't haven't a great start.
Because just like many of you, business owners who have children who eat, grow and need Christmas presents and 'things' - my husband and I were under loads of stress - like loads.
No cash
Not enough cash
Too much debt
Business struggling from feast to famine
Too many wrong clients - not enough good clients
HR issues - staff in the wrong spots, wrong staff, no delegation
Not to mention the impact this had on our 3 children and all the mother guilt that goes with that.
Nodding your head?
Cracking under pressure
After carrying this load for far too long, I just cracked.
Cracked under the pressure of doing all the things, for all the people, all the time.
I was diagnosed with a serious case of depression and my psychologist thought I had most likely been suffering from depression for several years.
Sound familiar?
It took a long time for me to look at what I had been doing and why it was just not working. I was cranky and frustrated with so many people - my husband, my kids, my team and my clients. The people I supposedly wanted to help.
It was just a big mess.
But, there is only thing to do with a big mess, clean it up.
By planning
By creating a structure that I followed to the letter and
By letting go of the things that didn't matter
I needed to step back to look at the big picture.
I learned to delegate to my team. I learnt to trust my team. I looked at what I could outsource or resource better.
I set about creating a training program that would pull all I had learnt, knew, implemented and taught to my clients over 18 years of digital marketing and I packaged it into a program.
We tested it on our own business. It was a little scary.
You know what happened next?
Magic happened.
Our cashflow improved, we paid off our debt, our team was less stressed, our clients were happier and we were confident to walk away from clients who were creating stress for us. We started to charge what we knew we were worth and not feel like a hostage to the market.
I knew I had hit on the magic mix that would make sense to other small business owners like you.
For me it was a path to happiness, not because our business turned a significant corner and we were making more money, but that I felt confident and in charge of running my business again - the right way.
The happy ending
The changes I have seen in myself, my family and my business in the last 3 years have been nothing short of miraculous. I went from a cranky, crazy women to a women back at the top of her game.
I knew I had to share how it was done and so the Summit School programs were born. They are designed for people like you and here is where you can find out about them.
And that's my story - and I want to make that your story too ( without the horrible depression part)
Book a free 20 min call today, and start making a difference in your business now.
“Leanne is an absolute pleasure to work with - professional, creative and practical, with a total focus on getting the job done on time, and budget. I would highly recommend her (and her team) to anyone considering improving their online presence that wants real results, fast.”
My Professional Background
I am the Founder and Director of Adventure Digital, a boutique digital agency based in regional NSW, servicing clients all over the Australian eastern seaboard.
We specialise in helping businesses realise their business dreams, to make their business better, their bank account bigger and their online presence bolder.
I have held various roles over the years inside various iterations of digital agency’s including General Manager, Project Manager, Digital Strategist & chief cook and bottle washer, cleaner, receptionist prior to founding Adventure Digital in 2019. You name it, as a small business owner we tend to do all the things.
I have broad technical and marketing experience in diverse areas including
Design, development and project management of website development using Adobe Business Catalyst, SquareSpace, Wordpress & Kentico
Deep email marketing & marketing automation experience and knowledge of MailChimp, ConvertKit, Campaign Monitor, Autopilot and InfusionSoft
Social Media Management experience using Hootsuite, Sendible, Planoly, Later and SmarterQueue
Project management of large scale deployments of Sharepoint, Microsoft CRM & Accelo across multiple locations to over 200+ staff
Design brief and specifications. Working with business owners to understand their operations so that I could scope and manage the development of unique business applications designed to suit their needs
Planning and implementing digital marketing plans for small business clients with particular focus on integrated Social Media marketing, Facebook & Instagram advertising, Content creation and planning as well as Google Adword Campaigns and the all important measurement of results.
Training plan development and delivery for both small and large organisations in how to use their online tools better & smarter.
I am a hands on kind of person.
I have worked with many industries over the last 20 years of all sizes, in all sectors with people of all ages and abilities.
I am sure your business is covered.
I can help you make your business better
Over this time I have delivered countless webinars, spoke at numerous events, delivered many workshops, trained, mentored, educated and entertained hundreds of small business owners just like you.
I love this industry and I love working with small business in particular, businesses just like yours.
My experience is now your experience. Book in for a discovery call today
Together we can conquer digital marketing.